Mar 12, 2015 | boating, fishing, marine expert, recreation, Uncategorized
This isn’t a yellow perch but it is a great picture! Yellow perch always takes second to Lake Erie Walleye for the chase, but most people will agree that yellow perch are the most delicious fresh water fish to eat! If you go into any local restaurant along Lake...
Feb 10, 2015 | boating, marine expert, recreation
If you have spent much time on the water, you realize this simple fact; Most people have no idea what they are doing! The amount of craziness you see on the water at times can be very disheartening. The method I have always lived by is similar to the way I drive a...
Feb 6, 2015 | Uncategorized
If you know most of us Clemons boys, you know that other than water, we also love to EAT! In past years our sales staff was know as the largest sales staff in Ohio, and not in numbers! 🙂 Another thing we love to do is fish, so if you put these two together you could...
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